sorry for the delay in posts. i've been mourning M.I.A's concert retirement for the last couple months...
actually, i've been super busy gearing up for my upcoming show @ POOL in Vegas next week, and forgot to keep you guy in the loop.
well, here are the updates:
1. over the summer we hit tons of shows on the east coast: Renegade Craft Brooklyn, Big Art Show, Pile of Craft Punk Rock Flea Market. all of them were great, but Artscape took the cake size-wise, being the largest free public art show in the nation: Artscape
i gotta admit that i felt like a total drug dealer walking in to Wachovia with a black bag filled with $20s and $'s hard out here for a t-guy
2. we launched a rockin' new site that now features dresses, tank tops, and of course more tees and skins! it's got a much cleaner feel thanks to the lovely work of Nate Welch.
we also wanted to feature all 21 of our amazing designers that do the incredible work that keeps us running. definitely check out their work if you get a chance: Artists.
3. we're on the move, and are about to drop the Hawkeye Hoodie in under 2 weeks. here are some photos to wet your appetite *roll "The Price Is Right" music*:
i'm gonna make an early new year's resolution, and pledge to update this blog more regularly.
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